Exploring Markets with Bayris
At Bayris, we think of the global economy as a machine with interconnected gears sensitive to market forces. This is why we've designed Bayris from the start so our forecast models can evolve along with changing economic conditions. Bayris is built on top of a massively-parallel computing framework that re-evaluates the effects of fundamental and macroeconomic factors, every day, to identify new investment risks and opportunities. Our users can explore our stock-price forecast analysis to see how recent economic events may affect their investments, or they can craft their own custom models that run on our servers.

Model runtime extra
No Monthly Subscription Fee
- 1 portfolio
- View Bayris' multi-factor stock forecasts
- Browse millions of stock fundamentals and global economic datasets
- Pick stocks based on:
•technical criteria
•Bayris forecasts - 1 GB data storage
- $0.50 per minute per GPU
- No-code models to explore macroeconomic and fundamental factors
- 25,000 datasets per model
- 5,000 datasets per model query
- Optimized by Bayris' Data Science API
- Models run on our GPUs
- Access to millions of stock fundamentals and global economic datasets for your models
on our servers
Basic features, plus:
- Cheaper model processing:
$0.35 per minute per GPU - Model-backed
portfolio analysis
(accounts for macro and fundamental factors) - 20 portfolios
- 5 GB data storage
- 50,000 datasets per model
- 10,000 datasets per model query
Deep Learning Models
Pro features, plus most computing power:
- Cheapest model processing:
$0.20 per minute per GPU - 20 GB data storage
- 200,000 datasets per model
- 20,000 datasets per model query

users can hand-craft their own code or forecast models to explore how certain economic factors may affect their current or prospective investments. Your models can leverage the vast datasets on our servers, as well as any data you generate via your code models. Each time you run a forecast model, Bayris generates a current snapshot highlighting which relevant economic factors may affect your asset or investment in the near term, and by how much. You can always refine your models to fine tune them to your liking, or to learn through experimentation.
Want to perform custom analysis or generate data for your forecast models? No problem! You can design your own code models using Bayris' data-science API, and run them right on our servers to compute the data you need, when you need it. We'll do the tedious work of setting up your code's runtime environment and storing the results, so you can focus on crafting your analysis algorithms. You just need to select which data to use, which data to save, and write your code on Bayris. Bayris saves your project as you work, making sure you don't lose your progress at any time. -
Pro and Elite
users can also analyze multiple portfolios using our up-to-date models, and can leverage more processing power for their custom code or forecast models. This gives you the power to better serve your customers.
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